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Our autumn rocket crop is ready so it's time to add some peppery zing to your salads and sandwiches. Let me know if you would like us to include some in your box.

Our pear trees have produced a good crop this season, especially the variety Concorde so we are now offering them as Bonus Pears for only £2 per kg. Red Windsor and Rajka apples are available this week. Bonus Apples to add to your regular box (fruit or veg) are £2 per kg. Also, do try our new delicious apple juice: 750 ml bottle for £3.30.

The latest lettuces are ready and we have enough to include them in salad boxes. The first hard frost will be upon us soon which means that the days of the edible flowers are numbered - request a bag of mixed lettuce leaves and flowers while you can!

Ready now (ask if you want some in your box): pak choi, Chinese cabbage, sage, lemon balm, green peppers, celery, leeks, chillies, cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, Red Windsor and Rajka apples, red and yellow raspberries, courgettes, cucumbers, kohl rabi, edible flowers, kale, cavolo nero, Oriental leaves, spring onions, oregano, rosemary, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, chives, rocket and mint. The potatoes from west Cumbria are called Colleen.

Bonus offers to add to your regular order: BONUS PEARS: £2 per kg BONUS APPLES: £2 per kg GENERAL BONUS BAG: Choose any item we supply (fruit or veg) and as long as supplies allow, we’ll bring you a bag of it weighing more than you would normally get for the price. £2 a bag. As long as we have the produce, you can have as many General Bonus Bags as you like.

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