Apple Juice is here!

You may have seen the pictures on Facebook - we are now ready to launch our new organic apple juice. Freshly picked apples from the orchard at Houghton are pressed in small batches to preserve the exquisite flavour of individual varieties.
Order now: £3.30 per 750 ml bottle.
We are also selling Discovery apples and there are plenty of plums ready now too. Even if you don't get a fruit box, you are very welcome to add fruit to your veg box.
The French beans are going crazy so we are selling them cheap - why not take the opportunity to stock up your freezer: 500g for £2. The best cherry tomato we know is called Sakura. They are full of flavour, always reliable and coming into full production now.
If you are a fan of home-preserving you might like to try some of our gherkins. They are a variety of cucumber specially selected for pickling. For a week or two we can also supply fresh dill for making dill pickles. Bonus gherkins and dill: £2.50. We still have plenty of bonus items at only 50p per portion this week. Add some to your regular order: mini cucumber (often not so mini!), kohl rabi, spring onions, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, kale, Greek basil, Genovese basil.
Ready now: French beans, cherry tomatoes, red and yellow raspberries, plums, onions, courgettes, cucumbers, regular (Genovese) basil, Greek basil, kohl rabi, edible flowers, kale, cavolo nero, salad leaves, lettuces, Oriental leaves, spring onions, sage, oregano, rosemary, rhubarb, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, chives, coriander, rocket, mint, lemon balm. The potatoes from west Cumbria are called Casablanca.