Tomatoes and Pretty Raspberries

Our very tasty cherry tomatoes are ripening now and will get more prolific if the sun ever comes out again. Also the raspberries are transitioning from summer to later varieties which this year, for the first time, include an interesting yellow fruited type called Fallgold. Look out for them in your box.
We still have plenty of bonus items at only 50p per portion this week. Add some to your regular order: mini cucumber, kohl rabi, spring onions, Swiss chard, rainbow chard, kale, Greek basil, Genovese basil.
The strawberries and blackcurrants are finished but we still have plums and raspberries.
Even if you don’t get a fruit box, you are very welcome to add fruit to your veg box.
Ready now: cherry tomatoes, red and yellow raspberries, plums, carrots with their tops on, onions, courgettes, cucumbers, regular (Genovese) basil, Greek basil, French beans, kohl rabi, carrots, beetroot, edible flowers, kale, cavolo nero, salad leaves, lettuces, Oriental leaves, spring onions, sage, oregano, rosemary, rhubarb, Swiss chard, rainbow chard and chives. The new potatoes from west Cumbria are called Casablanca.