Cherries and Blackcurrants

The first of this season’s cherries and blackcurrants are ready now – let me know if you would like some. Our home grown soft fruit also includes raspberries and gooseberries which were planted in recent years and have yet to get into full swing. However, small amounts of both are ready now. We are still picking broad bean tops. Let me know if you would like to try some. French beans, kohl rabi, carrots and beetroot are ready now too.
Bonus Strawberries are still at £3 for 450g and Jam Strawberries at £2 for 450g. Also, if you don’t get a fruit box, you are very welcome to add bonus strawberries – and anything else you fancy – to your veg box.
The Low Luckens Bonus Box: we have so much of our own home grown organic produce available now that we can bring back the famous Low Luckens Bonus Box. You get six items – whatever is available – for £5, to add to your regular order. To help us keep the cost low, there are no swaps with this one and you may also receive the same items as part of your regular order. Also, this week, we have Bonus Salad Leaves with Edible Flowers: one bag for £1. Red oakleaf and frilly red lettuces are ready now and we still have lots of spring onions. We are offering bonus bags of both at last year’s prices. Bonus Lettuce: one for £1 and Bonus Spring Onions: one bunch for £1.
From our own tunnels: we are picking cherries, blackcurrants, broad beans, kohl rabi, beetroot, carrots, French beans, raspberries, gooseberries, edible flowers, broad bean tops, globe artichokes, kale, cavolo nero, strawberries, salad leaves, lettuces, coriander, various Oriental leaves, spring onions, lovage, lemon balm, sage, oregano, rosemary, rhubarb, Swiss chard, rainbow chard and chives. The new potatoes from west Cumbria are called Casablanca.